Construction of a new photographic hide for kingfishers

Spring has been around for about two weeks here in southern Sweden and nature has a very busy schedule after the delay due to the long winter. Spring is my favorite season and I try to spend every minute out in nature. But wildlife is in a hurry, trying to breed and...

Advanced Bat photography

For the past ten years, I have been constructing my own IR-barriers for wildlife photography and have working with them on kingfishers and bats with great joy. However, a few weeks ago, I changed strategy and bought myself my first ‘real’ infrared-barrier...

High-speed (bat) photography workshops available now

For the last weeks, I have been planning a brand new, limited and exclusive “High-Speed Photography Workshop” for 2012 in Skåne. We will be working with flying bats, and will construct our own infrared-barriers, which each participant may keep after the...

Felix publishes his kingfisher story

The Swedish Wildlife Photography magazine CAMERA NATURA publishes in its latest issue 3/2011 the story and my best photographs of diving kingfishers. The article shows on five pages the results of a major and unique photographic project that I have run in Scania for...

Osprey – differently for once!

Most Scandinavian photographers go to Kangasala in Finland in order to photograph fishing ospreys from the hides there. A fabulous place for photography! The ospreys there visit the fish ponds several times each day and catch the farmed rainbow trout from the ponds....