Advanced Bat photography

For the past ten years, I have been constructing my own IR-barriers for wildlife photography and have working with them on kingfishers and bats with great joy. However, a few weeks ago, I changed strategy and bought myself my first ‘real’ infrared-barrier...

High-speed (bat) photography workshops available now

For the last weeks, I have been planning a brand new, limited and exclusive “High-Speed Photography Workshop” for 2012 in Skåne. We will be working with flying bats, and will construct our own infrared-barriers, which each participant may keep after the...

Felix publishes his kingfisher story

The Swedish Wildlife Photography magazine CAMERA NATURA publishes in its latest issue 3/2011 the story and my best photographs of diving kingfishers. The article shows on five pages the results of a major and unique photographic project that I have run in Scania for...

Osprey – differently for once!

Most Scandinavian photographers go to Kangasala in Finland in order to photograph fishing ospreys from the hides there. A fabulous place for photography! The ospreys there visit the fish ponds several times each day and catch the farmed rainbow trout from the ponds....

Slow kisses in the summer night

Scandinavian summers are short and there is a lot to photograph. This summer has been especially rainy. Moist weather is good news for snails and mushrooms which I was just about to experience on July 31st. Whilst photographing mushrooms in the nature reserve...