Advanced Bat photography

For the past ten years, I have been constructing my own IR-barriers for wildlife photography and have working with them on kingfishers and bats with great joy. However, a few weeks ago, I changed strategy and bought myself my first ‘real’ infrared-barrier...

High-speed (bat) photography workshops available now

For the last weeks, I have been planning a brand new, limited and exclusive “High-Speed Photography Workshop” for 2012 in Skåne. We will be working with flying bats, and will construct our own infrared-barriers, which each participant may keep after the...

Bat flight photography

Batman begins! To photograph flying bats at nighttime has been a dream for me for a long time. Well, I guess that it is the ultimate dream and challenge of every keen wildlife photographer. You hardly see them, when they pass you by at nighttime, navigating with their...